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Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Board of Elections in the City of New York,
as provided under Section 3-200 of the New York State Election Law, is responsible:


  1. To conduct fair and honest elections, from local to federal levels;
  2. To enfranchise all eligible New Yorkers to register to vote and to practice those rights;
  3. To conduct elections, certify the canvass and to retain the official records;
  4. Voter outreach and education.


Briefly stated, this means:


First, the preparation of the ballot for Primary, Special and General Elections to the extent that all vacancies for public office and party positions may be filled.

Second, that qualified voters may exercise their right to franchise and that every opportunity be given to voters to execute that right and to vote for whom they choose.

Third, that the votes of the electorate at Primary, Special and General Elections be properly canvassed and that a true count be given for each candidate voted for.

Finally, that we make every effort to inform and educate the voting public of their rights as a voter and also to reach out to all Americans to instruct them in the voting process. The following pages of this report will illustrate some of the duties as classified in the above synopsis.